
Meet Our Staff

CV Academics and the AMP Honors Program are driven by a dedicated and diverse staff of professionals who bring nearly two-hundred years of combined experience across business, healthcare, marketing and IT arenas. This team has been part of the early CVA and AMP-HP initiative and continue to help it continue to grow.

Kim Pemble

Kim Pemble

Member Experience and Technology Advisor

Kim is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems and a Fellow of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). He brings extensive experience in leadership, consumer and community engagement, and applying data for outcomes driven work with health systems, hospitals, independent physician practices and community driven initiatives. He has experience in working with and aligning teams to support major new initiatives and operations across hundreds of practice sites, working with their providers and staff. Kim has held numerous IS and IT leadership roles and served as executive director and general manager with non-profit and for profit start up initiatives. He has also served as a volunteer EMT in his local community.

Don Hunjadi

Don Hunjadi

Media Production

Don has over 40 years of experience providing a wide variety of media services ranging from full-service audio production and graphic design to video production, website design, marketing and publishing. If it has something to do with media productions of any type, he has done it with a commitment to excellence since 1982. Don is responsible for these areas with CVA, including websites, content creation, and support for marketing and social media, as well as hosting many of the live events and presentations for the AMP Honors Program. Previously Don held various leadership roles within fire and emergency medical services providers and was the executive director for the largest state support organization in the country for emergency medical services.